To test the potential of innovative mobility technologies in real and diverse urban environments, they will be widely demonstrated in different living labs. These are divided into Lead Cities and Replication Cities:

  • Lead Cities

Two Lead Cities, Madrid (Spain) and Dresden (Germany), demonstrate the effectiveness of 27 innovative mobility solutions in eleven pilot actions. The 27 solutions tackle innovation both in vehicles and in overarching infrastructure. Some of these examples include autonomous mid-sized e-buses and the development of a Sovereign Mobility Decentralised Data Ecosystem for automated driving. Demonstration includes a design phase, the deployment of the solutions and their evaluation to assess their impact and relevance for future up-scaling and replication.

  • Replication Cities

Five Replication Cities – Ioannina (Greece), Trenčín (Slovakia), Espoo (Finland), Gdańsk (Poland), and Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina) – intend to replicate the Lead Cities’ processes, designing their own adaptations for the tested solutions.

Lead City
Lead City
Replication City
Replication City
Replication City
Replication City
Replication City