Rechteck 46

Madrid aspires to be climate neutral by 2030: a smart and sustainable city. Aligned with the challenges of the Cities Mission, it has reached a crucial milestone by receiving the “Climate City Contract” (CCC), a fundamental step in its participation in the Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission to foster a human adaptive city: towards a usercentricity.

This recognition reflects Madrid’s commitment to a fair transition towards a green and digital future, serving as an inspiring example for other cities.

The “Madrid 360 Sustainable Mobility Plan” (2022-2030) and Madrid Digital Capital strategy are the planning instruments that determines the sustainable and intelligent mobility policies of the Madrid City Council. Its main objective is to reduce air pollution and improve the quality of life of residents through a series of measures focused on digitalization, sustainable mobility, energy and waste management.

Madrid has decided to launch a very ambitious set of 5 pilots to accelerate the deployment of its sustainable mobility plans, prioritizing the co-design and implementation of innovative solutions for the mobility of people and goods.

Madrid’s challenge is to explore the combined potential of electrification, automation and connectivity with the aim of being pioneers at EU level in climate neutrality and zero pollution by 2030 through intensive use of data and 5G technology, AI, IoT, Digital twins and data spaces.

Madrid Urban Mobility Lab is an integral part of intelligent urban spaces, which are hyper-connected and hyper-automated spaces, and it will act as a centre for experimentation and innovation to help all EU cities follow suit by 2050.

Madrid has selected the Mercamadrid area for the deployment of the pilots, which is the largest Spanish market and one of the most active in Europe, employing around 8,000 people.

Located within the city, in terms of mobility, its main need is the development of efficient mobility solutions for people and goods, to avoid current traffic congestion.

In addition, the pilot locations are complemented with nearby facilities for EMT buses.

MOBILITIES for EU represents a strong contribution to meeting the EU’s climate objectives and the exchange of knowledge and experiences with the main EU initiatives such as 2Zero and CCAM.

Madrid Urban Mobility Lab, located in Mercamadrid, will strengthen the impact of the mobility solutions implemented, aligning the efforts of public authorities and actors with broad citizen participation.

The 7 UM-Labs, which the MOBILITIES for EU project will deploy in each of the participating cities ((Dresden (DE), Gdańsk (PL), Ioannina (GR), Sarajevo (BH), Trençín (SK), Espoo (FI ) and Madrid (ES)), will be centres of experimentation, innovation and dissemination in mobility matters.

Gruppe 46

Madrid Urban Mobility Lab

Lead City
Replication City
Replication City
Replication City