Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is an administrative, economic, cultural, and academic center in which more than half a million inhabitants live in the metropolitan area. The previous two decades were characterised by significant population migration to Sarajevo, and the construction of residential areas as well as commercial facilities in the central urban part of the city. In the past period, significant funds were invested in the construction of the necessary communal and social infrastructure, and reconstruction and modernisation of infrastructure systems, including traffic infrastructure, so that with the increased degree of motorisation, the increased number of residents and tourists, and observed increased need for mobility, ensured the smooth functioning of the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The city of Sarajevo attaches great importance to the increase quality of life through activities aimed at reduction of harmful gas emissions, reduction use of personal vehicles, increase in use of non-motorised traffic, increase in use public transport services as well as an increase its qualities, reduction of energy consumption, interactive cooperation, financial savings, increasing mobility (availability and accessibility), more effective use of limited resources (space, energy), which is in line with the vision of the Sarajevo Canton Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, and the City of Sarajevo (SUMP).
Here are some of the main mobility challenges that Sarajevo faces:
Use of private cars
The metropolitan area of Sarajevo, like most European metropolises, is burdened with intense individual motor traffic due to the use of individual vehicles by residents, as well as residents of other municipalities from neighboring cantons who travel to Sarajevo daily. While private cars offer flexibility and convenience, they contribute to traffic congestion and environmental issues.
Traffic congestion
Growing populations, inadequate infrastructure and a high reliance on private vehicles are some of the main causes of traffic congestion in Sarajevo. Congestion leads to more traffic accidents, air and noise pollution and increases travel time.
Air pollution
In the last few years, Sarajevo has been one of the most polluted cities in the world in some periods during the winter. Urban transport is a significant contributor to air pollution and greenhouses gas emissions. Private vehicles emit pollutants that harm air quality and contribute to climate change.
Lack of parking spaces
The problem of parking in the central city area and in residential areas with high densities is extremely present. These problems are increasing over time due to the increased number of passenger cars and mobility, and it is not followed by organised activities in traffic policy inSarajevo and investments in development space for stationary traffic, as well as modern management of stationary traffic.
Use cases
Prioritize public transport
Increasing the attractiveness and efficiency of the public transport service (comfort, speed, cleanliness, the absence of crowds in public transport vehicles) also enables a change in the awareness of citizens who will understand that it is better to use public city transport instead of driving in their own vehicle and looking for a parking space and pay for using it.
Also, with the increased use of public city transport, there is a decrease in the use of individual vehicles in urban areas which would directly affect the reduction of traffic jams and pollution.
By investing in transport infrastructure, modernising the fleet, introducing an electronic ticket collection system, creating an application for smartphones that will provide citizens with information about public city transport, the Canton of Sarajevo is trying to improve the public transport service and encourage people to use it.
Cycling and walking infrastructure
Establishing an interconnected and functional network, bicycle paths and parking lots and a system of public bicycles, as well as ensuring adequate space for pedestrians on existing streets can improve safety, reduce traffic congestion, and promote healthier and greener travel options.
Adaptive traffic management system
The construction of a modern adaptive management and traffic control system includes components of an intelligent management system with priorities of public passenger transport.
Canton Sarajevo has started an adaptive traffic management project aimed at reducing traffic congestion and pollution and prioritizing tram traffic. The adaptive traffic management system will be based on modern sensor equipment, which will record traffic in real time, thus providing detailed information for further planning of the traffic infrastructure, measuring traffic intensity at intersections, based on which an algorithm will be developed that will manage the traffic lights.
Promoting the use of electric vehicles can significantly reduce emissions and improve air quality. Incentives such as subsidies, charging infrastructure development and implementing low emission zones can encourage the adoption of electric vehicles and cleaner transportation options.
Canton of Sarajevo launched the project of developing a conceptual solution for the establishment of a low emission zone in the city core.
The main idea of building our living lab is to improve urban mobility which is in line with the MOBILITIES FOR EU project.
Ministry of Traffic of the Canton of Sarajevo
Faculty of Transport and Communications of the University of Sarajevo
Contact Information
Amila Vrbić
© 2025 Mobilities for EU
Project Coordinator
Julia Vicente Gómez, CARTIF
Main Press Contact
Rebecca Sinai, Steinbeis Europa Zentrum
This website exists in the context of the MOBILITIES FOR EU project which is co-financed under the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101139666.
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum (SEZ) is an independent economic entity within the Steinbeis Foundation. It was founded in March 1990 as the operational unit of the Commissioner for Europe of Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of Economics. SEZ’s core activity is to promote European Research and Technology Development programmes and to support cross-border technology transfer.
SEZ supports small and medium-sized enterprises on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing of Baden-Württemberg. At the same time, it supports Universities of Applied Sciences on behalf of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg.
Moreover, SEZ is involved in several EU-funded projects (more than 70 in 2023) as either partner or coordinator, taking over tasks related to dissemination, communication, exploitation or financial and administrative project management.
SEZ is project partner and leader of work package 4 Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation and Clustering. In this context, SEZ is responsible for
Design strategic communication of the project objectives and actions and engagement strategy to achieve optimal visibility activities increasing awareness, engagement, acceptance and fostering uptake of the MOBILITIES FOR EU results, facilitating knowledge transfer and sustainability at Europeans and local level.
Design the D&C tools needed to initiate and implement the strategy. Establishment of activities to the community and dissemination strategy.
Design the Exploitaiton strategy and activities for the project.
Clarification of expected project results, their use beyond the project and partners’ contributions, as well as IP management (such as ownership protection and access rights) throughout the project.
Towards market uptake activities: The goal is to visualise the business model of KERs, the further exploitation steps. As basis for that a market analyis of the KERs and associated technology and market watch will be done. Together with the dissemination activities, exploitation materials will be developed to create further synergies to enable a smoother use of the MOBILITIES FOR EU project results.
Rebecca Sinai
AEDIVE is a non-profit organisation that promotes electromobility and gathers the industrial, technological and services value chain of this market in Spain and Portugal, with nearly 300 members: big, SMES and small companies currently (December 2023).
Furthermore AEDIVE’s network includes institutional members (city councils, energy agencies, etc.), EV users, NGOs, Trade Associations, Interest Groups, Public Institutions and Research & Development Centres.
AEDIVE provides its members with a unique forum for exchanging knowledge, experience, and ideas on how to stimulate electromobility in Spain. We engage in European projects promoting sustainable transportation across the EU.
One of our goals is to accelerate business opportunities and enhance synergies related to this market.
AEDIVE’s role is focused on communication, dissemination, exploitation and clustering activities. AEDIVE participate in:
Identify the best business models to apply to packaged and individual solutions.
Identify a set of city areas suitable to implement solutions in the cities.
Support the implementation of 2Zero and CCAM solutions in Trenčín and Gdansk and help them develop their mid- and long-term strategies.
Deliver 7 upscaling/replication mobility plans, including detailed design and financial plans for each.
This includes various aspects: design of the solution, economic viability, commercial exploitation, financial plan, contact with the Replication Cities to identify the best business plans, guidelines to eliminate barriers identified.
Miguel Ángel Jiménez
ALSA is the leading operator in Spanish land passenger mobility. An integrated approach to transport and ongoing customer satisfaction are two of the core pillars that guide ALSA’s operations.
As an integrated company, it is capable of meeting people’s different mobility needs by offering a wide range of services on an urban, regional, national and international level, as well as vehicles for occasional use (coach hire) and tourism.
ALSA currently (2022 figures) has a modern fleet of 5,931 buses, which each year transport 527 million passengers, who are served by a skilled team of 16,079 professionals. Our company is part of MOBICO Group, a leading international provider of passenger mobility services, carrying a billion pax every year and employing 46,000 people across 11 countries in North America, continental Europe, the UK and North Africa.
With safety as a core principle, the customer is at the heart of everything ALSA does, following criteria of professionalism, quality and innovation, based on an underlying commitment to society and respect for the environment.
Demonstration of 1 dedicated mid-size autonomous e-Bus in Mercamadrid for mobility of people
ALSA will progress by piloting a completely automated and electrified CCAM service in a very complex and traffic-condensed area (“Mercamadrid”) in Madrid city. We will test and use a mid-size CCAM bus in order to develop a ZEV Mobility Plan integrating the autonomous bus with other customer-centric solutions for passengers.
Existing CCAM mobility solutions for passengers are limited to vehicles with lower capacity, oriented to demonstrative services and scarcely solving real mobility needs. ALSA already operates 2 regular transport services with CCAM vehicles that provide mobility solutions to users in the areas within the Autonomous University of Madrid and the Llanera technology park in Asturias, and brings all its experience and capabilities to this new significant challenge.
In MOBILITIES we aim to take this to the next level, starting with a mid-size e-Bus. Additionally, it will be fully designed and implement the definition of the routes, mobility mapping, control software, guiding and operational service to reach full automation and electrification of the system to transport people in Mercamadrid. All the projects are designed based on a customer-centric approach.
Miguel Ángel Alonso Juliá
CARNET is a future mobility research hub based in Barcelona that focuses on shaping the future of mobility facilitating cooperative research. This open innovation hub was founded by SEAT S.A., Volkswagen Group Innovation, and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – Barcelona Tech (UPC). CARNET aims to bridge the gap between academic research and industrial innovation, shaping more sustainable, efficient, cutting-edge and people-friendly urban mobility.
CARNET researches and develops innovative technologies, new mobility models, and future urban lifestyle concepts focused on solving urban mobility challenges collaborating with industrial, academic and institutional partners.
In the MOBILITIES for EU project, CARNET is taking on a dual role as leader of the project evaluation and accompanying Volkswagen Group Innovation in the technological implementations. In the framework of Work Package 2, CARNET is actively involved in Dresden’s pilot, where two autonomous electric charging robots provided by VW GI are tested. As a second main role, CARNET is responsible for leading Work Package 3, which focuses on project impact assessment to evaluate the implemented passenger mobility and freight transport solutions covering CO2 balance, energy efficiency, social acceptability, safety, health and economic impact among others. CARNET will align MOBILITIES for EU’s assessment with already existing European initiatives such as, NetZeroCities and CIVITAS, allowing for synergies within the ecosystem.
Cristina Juarez
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum (SEZ) is an independent economic entity within the Steinbeis Foundation. It was founded in March 1990 as the operational unit of the Commissioner for Europe of Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of Economics. SEZ’s core activity is to promote European Research and Technology Development programmes and to support cross-border technology transfer.
SEZ supports small and medium-sized enterprises on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing of Baden-Württemberg. At the same time, it supports Universities of Applied Sciences on behalf of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg.
SEZ is project partner and leader of work package 4 Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation and Clustering. In this context, SEZ is responsible for
Design strategic communication of the project objectives and actions and engagement strategy to achieve optimal visibility activities increasing awareness, engagement, acceptance and fostering uptake of the MOBILITIES FOR EU results, facilitating knowledge transfer and sustainability at Europeans and local level.
Design the D&C tools needed to initiate and implement the strategy. Establishment of activities to the community and dissemination strategy.
Clarification of expected project results, their use beyond the project and partners’ contributions, as well as IP management (such as ownership protection and access rights) throughout the project.
Julia Vicente Gómez, CARTIF
EMT Madrid (Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid S.A.) is a public company created in 1947 and 100% owned by Madrid City Council. It manages the bus transport service in the municipality of Madrid, being the only bus operator of the City, and the largest mobility company in Spain in its sector. EMT Madrid also manages 28 parking facilities of the city and 1 mobility hub (about 12,602 parking lots and 223 charging points for electric vehicles, standard, fast and ultrafast charging), as well as the tow trucks service (80 tow trucks), the public e-bikesharing system (Bicimad, with 7,500 e-bikes and 611 bike stations), and the Casa de Campo cable car. EMT also has a Consultancy department which provides technical assistance to Madrid City Council on sustainable urban mobility matters as well as to other transport operators around the world.
Nowadays (March 2024), EMT employs 10,045 employees. Its fleet accounts 2,100 buses (with 4,097 km network), 11,032 bus stops and are available to travel in 223 routes across Madrid. Since December 2022 all the fleet is 100% green according to the European Clean Vehicles Directive (electric and CNG).
Yearly, the EMT’s buses are travelling more than 106 million kilometres and carrying 454 million passengers (2023 figures), 365 days a year, and 24 hours a day, becoming a critical infrastructure of the urban ecosystem and therefore, playing an important role on the normal functioning of the city.
The company is also at the forefront of Intelligent Transport Systems and Customer Information Systems use. The EMT of Madrid is really concerned with the fact of improving the service given to the passengers and those investments will mean a better service to the population, including safety and security.
EMT Madrid current technological infrastructures for mobility users include, among others and on the EMT’s side, free Wi-Fi hotspots on the buses (with M2M Communications), street Information displays, or a sophisticated camera system on board all our buses for security purposes connected to a 24 hours control centre. All operations are controlled by our Control Centre (Servicio de Ayuda a la Explotación, SAE), in which the current technological infrastructures in the city include real-time information on buses’ locations, arrival times, average speed on streets, etc.
EMT is also currently working on additional services related to its cutting edge open data policy and open services, such as Internet of Things and big data, Mobility as a Service, etc.
Last but not least, EMT Madrid is actively involved in many research and innovation projects, under different EU funded programs, to keep moving forward in the promotion of sustainable public transport and mobility.
EMT is integrated in the “Consorcio Regional de Transportes” (Regional transport authority) which coordinates, as the transport authority, the transport offer in Madrid City and surroundings.
EMT Madrid participates in MOBILITIES for EU in the so-called "pilots 3 and 4", related to electrification and the use of hydrogen, as promoter and end user of different solutions, to move forward full decarbonisation of the company and to help Madrid City achieving sustainability goals:
Action A3-1: Electrification of 329 buses and complete electrification of the Carabanchel bus depot.
Action A3-2: test possibilities for Mercamadrid vehicles to recharge at EMT Madrid charging points network.
Action 4-1: implementation of a hydrogen plant at Entrevías bus depot, and purchase of 10 H2 buses.
EMT Madrid also contributes to different transversal work packages and deliverables.
Sergio Fernández Balaguer, Head of International and EU projects department
Espoo is the second largest city in Finland and is located next to the capital city of Helsinki. It is a network city with five urban centres. The vision of Espoo is to be a responsible and humane pioneer city and a good place for everybody to live, learn, work and be an entrepreneur. In Espoo, residents can truly make a difference.
Espoo is a centre of international company headquarters and high-technology businesses. The city is known as a hub of know-how, research, and development, at the heart of which stands the Aalto University campus.
Large natural areas are also characteristic of Espoo: seashores, the archipelago, the wilderness in nature reserves and the waterways of the lake highlands. The cultural landscapes, constructed environments and natural areas of Espoo are like Finland in miniature.
Espoo is one of the Replication Cities in the project and will be establishing its own Urban Mobility Lab as an innovation space for coordination and co-design of pilots and urban mobility plans. Espoo will also be cooperating with the other cities in the creating and updating of their climate city contracts and sustainable urban mobility plans. Espoo will also be following the piloting activities in the Lead Cities and providing its local context into the business models developed during the project.
Kati Borgers
The International Road Federation (IRF) is a global, independent, not-for-profit organisation with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland and operating in more than 130 countries around the world. Active since 1948, IRF is a membership-based organisation, representing leading corporate and institutional players drawn from the road and mobility sectors worldwide.
Its mission is to promote the development of roads and road networks that enable access and sustainable mobility for all. Its approach is centred around three strategic pillars: knowledge transfer & information sharing, connecting people, businesses, and organisations, and working on policy & advocacy.
The International Road Federation will be leading and coordinating Work Package 5 “Upscaling & Replication – From Demonstration to Long-term City Plans”. This work package aims to contribute to the city visions of the 7 cities with the MOBILITIES FOR EU results, considering the CCC as the main element to accelerate the transition towards climate neutrality. It will also analyse the financial models and package of mobility solutions as enablers to foster upscaling and replication in the 7 cities. Additionnally, the IRF is also playing a crucial role in Work Package 4, more specifically as task leader in charge of “Clustering alliances, activities and recommendations to Strategic Agendas”.
Agostina Massarini
Madrid is the capital and most populous city of Spain. The city has almost 3.4 million inhabitants and a metropolitan area population of approximately 7 million. It is the second-largest city in the European Union (EU), and its monocentric metropolitan area is the second largest in the EU.
The municipality covers 604.3 km2 (233.3 sq mi) geographical area. Madrid lies on the River Manzanares in the central part of the Iberian Peninsula at about 650 meters above mean sea level. The capital city of both Spain and the surrounding autonomous community of Madrid (since 1983), it is also the political, economic, and cultural centre of the country.
The Madrid urban agglomeration has the second-largest GDP in the European Union and its influence in politics, education, entertainment, environment, media, fashion, science, culture, and the arts all contribute to its status as one of the world's major global cities. Due to its economic output, high standard of living, and market size, Madrid is considered the major financial centre and the leading economic hub of the Iberian Peninsula and of Southern Europe.
The metropolitan area hosts major Spanish companies such as Telefónica, Iberia, Santander, Indra and Acciona. It concentrates the bulk of banking operations in the country and it is the Spanish-speaking city generating the largest amount of webpages. For innovation, Madrid is ranked 19th in the world and 7th in Europe from 500 cities, in the 2022–2023 annual analysts Innovation Cities Index, published by 2ThinkNow.
Madrid’s authenticity is found in its great combination of history and tradition while the city also sets its sights firmly on the future. Its exceptional heritage and original offering of culture, leisure, cuisine and shopping are transformed into one-of-a-kind experiences to delight visitors, boasting an array of activities that simply can’t be found anywhere else in the world. One of the hallmarks of Madrid is its great personality. This can be seen in the open, friendly demeanour of its people, and their unique lifestyle that captivates visitors and nurtures a strong sense of belonging in the city.
It’s a city of culture, with unparalleled historic and artistic heritage. Madrid is home to world-renowned museums, major institutions and cultural spaces dotted all around the capital, culminating in the Landscape of Light: a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an exceptional enclave in the heart of the city that combines art, science, and nature.
Madrid is a vibrant city with one of the best cultural events and entertainment offerings in the world. The city offers concerts and performances every day of the year, both in large venues and in small clubs, as well as major festivals. And the nightlife has plenty to offer here too, so why not sample a signature cocktail with the best views of Madrid from its spectacular terraces and rooftop bars. The capital thrills visitors with major sporting events that pack out its football stadiums and state-of-the-art sports facilities. Madrid is also a city where you can enjoy the outdoors, soaking up the sights and sounds of incredible parks and natural spaces such as El Retiro, Casa de Campo, El Capricho and Madrid Río.
Business travellers will find everything they need here. The city is a top destination for meetings tourism thanks to its excellent transport links, facilities and services, as well as the added value of its complementary leisure offering.
One of the world’s leading culinary destinations, Madrid is a real heaven for foodies, serving up both innovative and traditional fare. Great chefs from all over Spain and around the world have set their sights on the capital. Madrid has 22 Michelin-star restaurants: one with three stars, six with two, and 15 with one star.
Madrid is a green, healthy, smart, sustainable city. Just look at its more than 200 parks, gardens, and natural areas, which represent a total of 6,400 hectares of green heritage that offers an abundance of wealth and diversity. In addition, more than 55% of the city’s streets are tree-lined, with almost 300,000 specimens that contribute to improving air quality and the urban microclimate. In fact, it has more trees than any other city in the world, with the exception of Tokyo. In February 2020, it was recognised by the UN and the Arbor Day Foundation as a “Tree City of the World”.
"Madrid, Digital Capital", is the strategy that the City Council has defined to continue to be a leader city in the digital sphere, designed for all the people and companies that form part of Madrid, for its neighbourhoods and districts, and for the City Council itself, as a catalyst of the city's digital transformation.
The “Madrid 360” Environmental Sustainability Strategy was created to reduce polluting emissions in the capital by transforming it into a sustainable city.
Madrid 360 makes the fight against climate change compatible with economic development by promoting the transition to efficient air conditioning systems, the renewal of fleets, the promotion of public transport, the integration of all modes of transport, the reinforcement of road safety and innovation.
In the context of these two complementary strategies, Madrid City Council submitted its candidacy to this project to build smart urban spaces that allow to improve sustainable city mobility services with technologies such as IoT and 5G, with a special focus on cybersecurity and interoperability.
The City of Madrid, together with the City of Dresden, is one of the two cities leading the consortium of the Mobilities for EU initiative to launch 11 pilot projects including 27 innovative solutions for mobility of people and goods, exploiting the potential of electrification, automation and connectivity, from the design to the implementation and evaluation phases.
Madrid also aims to act as pioneer in this process, building on the many existing initiatives of social engagement and empowerment that will be integrated into the idea of Urban Mobility Labs (UM-Labs, as part of its urban intelligent space and 5G corridors), conceived as innovation hubs carrying out the demonstration projects, establishing how to measure the results, packaging them and, finally, replicating them in other cities. Thus, there will be five Replication Cities: Ioannina, Trenčín, Espoo, Gdansk and Sarajevo.
The initiative is part of the mission of the 100 climate neutral cities by 2030. Madrid's commitment has made the Spanish capital the largest of the first 10 cities that have already signed a Climate City Contract (CCC) in this sense. The Cities Mission Climate City Contract (CCC) is a governance innovation tool to help cities collaboratively address their barriers to reaching climate neutrality by 2030.
The CCC is the documented result of an iterative co-creation process. Systemic in nature, this process will be led by cities and involve multiple stakeholders at various governance levels, as well as the wider ecosystem of private and civic stakeholders. Together, they will identify all the key actions to achieve 2030 climate neutrality, and the ways and means to implement them.
More specifically, in Madrid, 5 pilots will be implemented in the Mercamadrid scenarios, and in the nearby Empresa Municipal de Transportes (EMT) Operations Centre in Entrevías.
Mercamadrid is the largest market in Spain and one of the busiest in Europe, employing 8,000 people and supplying 46 other markets in the city and also a very large area in the centre of the country.
EMT Madrid is the company responsible for planning public transport in the city of Madrid. It is the second largest municipal bus operator in Europe and has achieved a significant milestone by completing the elimination of all diesel buses from its fleet by the end of 2022. This transition has resulted in a fully modernised fleet consisting exclusively of gas, hybrid and fully electric buses. EMT manages a fleet of more than 2,000 buses on 223 routes covering 3,500 kilometres.
In this context, as efficient mobility solutions, pilots have been proposed for autonomous electric vehicles for transporting people and goods, using 5G technology, and which will circulate over a smart urban space with interoperable IoT devices, an electricity grid based on renewable energy sources, on a smart grid using digital twin and artificial intelligence technologies, efficient charging and electrification of freight fleets, bi-directional Grid to Vehicle (G2V) and Vehicle to Grid (V2G) chargers, integrated with an energy data marketplace (data space), and implementation of hydrogen refuelling stations and 10 green hydrogen fuel cell buses.
Fernando de Pablo (Digital Office Director-General)
Mercamadrid, the largest platform for distribution, commercialisation, transformation, and logistics of fresh food in Spain.
Mercamadrid supplies to more than 12 million consumers, in an area of influence of 500km. Last year, more than 3,4 million tons of fresh food products have been commercialised in Mercamadrid. A great offer available due to the professionalism of their companies -800 installed-, which bring the best product from all over the world everyday.
Mercamadrid have proposed pilots related to autonomous electric vehicles for the transportation of people and goods, equipped with 5G technology. These vehicles will circulate within a smart urban space equipped with interoperable IoT devices.
Victor Meana
Orange is the second telecommunications operator in Spain with a total volume of 21.6 million customers, with 17.6 million mobile customers. Orange has invested a total of 531 million euros in the acquisition of 5G frequencies throughout the different auctions in which it has participated since 2016; In fact, Orange is the operator with the highest spectrum in the 3.5 GHz band, the priority to offer higher speeds and better latencies. In addition, we have managed to deploy with the band 700 MHz in more than 1,500 nodes. In terms of coverage, we currently have a 5G coverage of 83.2%, being 4G practically 100%. In the first quarter of 2023 we launched 5G stand alone, being the first operator in Spain and one of the first in Europe to commercially launch this service.
Therefore, we have the best network to offer the best coverage both indoor and outdoor, with low latencies to ensure the immediacy of services, with greater and better security in the data and also optimising and efficient energy use due to less need for signalling.
Orange has two roles:
First in all, in the vertical liability (WP3), they are going to give the connectivity and the frequency 5G+ that vehicles connected need to be able to move. (Timing: 12 months)
And, second of all, in the horizontal liability, (WP2.1), co-design of the final details of the mobility solutions with the UM-Labs, that will be established and launched in WP1, considering technical, social and cybersecurity aspects, and validate them with stakeholders and users. (Timing: 12 months)
Gema Carmona Serrano
Plexigrid S.L. was founded on July 7, 2020, with the mission of develop the Next Generation of Network Technology for Electricity Grid Operators.
Plexigrid's technology enhances existing control systems providing electricity grid operators with the visibility, intelligence, and flexibility management capabilities that they need to be enabling (instead of bottlenecking) the energy transition.
Thus, Plexigrid enables the evolution of the electrical grid to support decentralised energy generation on a smaller scale, distributed throughout the entire grid. This shift moves beyond traditional consumers to include "prosumers." In other words, Plexigrid works to achieve a more flexible, bidirectional, and intelligent grid.
The company addresses issues stemming from inefficient and outdated grid management, which hinders its electrification and disproportionately increases O&M costs, reflected in end customers' bills. Plexigrid conducts extensive real-time data processing and develops a platform with a digital twin at its core, currently the fastest and most comprehensive on the market.
Over the past three years, Plexigrid has experienced sustainable growth, aiming to become a globally recognised actor transforming the understanding and operation of distribution electrical grids. Plexigrid goal is to facilitate energy transition by leveraging existing network infrastructure and enhancing efficiency.
From Plexigrid we will develop the electric Digital Twin of the electrical network in Mercamadrid with two main objectives:
Avoid bottlenecks and optimise the efficiency of the network by increasing the number of resources connected to the grid per unit of grid capacity.
Consider flexibility measures to maximise the clean energy to vehicles while minimising costs.
To do so, elaborate scenario analysis will be conducted to infer the most appropriate smart grid configuration. The Digital-Twin, being an accurate virtual clone of the physical infrastructure, will be built considering the actual electrical network topology, the network smart metering data, the distributed generation and the vehicles energy demand. This simulation analysis will boost the electric grid planning and decision-making process in the project.
Amaia Araiz Tabar
PreZero is the environmental division of the Schwarz Group, which includes the trading companies Lidl and Kaufland with an international presence in 11 countries.
In Spain and Portugal, PreZero is one of the leading companies in the environmental services sector, offering the latest advanced solutions in essential urban services, waste treatment and circular economy, both for public and private clients.
In the Iberian Peninsula, we are present in more than 980 cities providing urban cleaning and waste collection services to 12 million citizens and operating more than 130 treatment and recycling plants (sorting, composting, anaerobic digestion, biomethane production, landfills…).
In the private sector, we work with more than 8.000 industrial and private clients, as Mercamadrid, where PreZereo would carry out the MOBILITIES for EU project.
Automated Guided Vehicle for waste collection at Mercamadrid
PreZero would develop a demonstrator to automate the current collection service in the Central Fish Market at Mercamadrid.
The service, which is nowadays performed with a diesel vehicle towing several cages that are collected in 10 points, will be fully automated via an electric tow tractor with 20 trolleys. The new system would be designed to collect the cages under demand once they are full, avoiding the necessity of having an operator continuously monitoring the 10 collection zones.
Additionally, the vehicle will be designed to transport the maximum cages per trip, minimising the number of trips per day.
The solution will therefore reduce the vehicle circulation in the area, increase security and reduce of CO2 emissions and noise, improving air quality.
Elisabet González Prieto
We Right Click is a non-profit association based in France that promotes social innovation and empowerment through co-creation, education, and behavior change. Its primary activities include setting up and coordinating citizen labs and urban hubs to ideate, co-create, test, and scale new solutions to society’s biggest issues; engaging with people and networks to build strong communities and raise awareness through events, workshops, and experiences; and deepening knowledge and skills through capacity building and educational activities to transform society and transition to a more sustainable future.
We Right Click will oversee the setup of the Urban Mobility Labs (UM-Labs) in the project, and coordinate the co-design of pilot activities and planning of upscaling and replication activities beyond the project period.
Eva Boo
The Sächsische Energieagentur - SAENA GmbH is a company of the Free State of Saxony and the Sächsische Aufbaubank - Förderbank - SAB. SAENA was founded in 2007 as a Saxony-wide contact point for all citizens, municipalities and companies in the field of energy and climate protection. Its aim is to support the protection of resources and livelihoods for future generations through active climate protection and increasing energy efficiency.
SAENA brings together and networks a wide variety of actors and offers independent and neutral advice. For sustainable mobility behaviour, SAENA informs and mediates relevant stakeholders on new mobility forms, concepts and subsidies.
development of the so-called Urban Mobility Lab in Dresden, which defines measures for smart mobility solutions and stakeholder involvement
implementation of capacity building measures with local and regional stakeholders
promotion and external presentation of the project
dissemination of the most important project results
development and application of guidelines and strategies for the implementation of smart mobility solutions
analysis of social aspects by conducting surveys to scale up and replicate the mobility solutions
Rosemarie Baldauf
As the market leader in enterprise application software, we’re helping companies of all sizes and in all industries run better by redefining ERP and creating networks of intelligent enterprises that provide transparency, resiliency, and sustainability across supply chains. Our end-to-end suite of applications and services enables our customers to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and make a difference worldwide.
Customise BTP platform (which was delivered by “Stadt Dresden” as part of the project) for services, data and components with open interfaces for dynamic functionality development and integration of partner applications
Customising several connections / interfaces to the BTP platform developed in PILOT 3
Customise BTP platform (which was delivered by “Stadt Dresden” as part of the project) for systems servicing people and freight-based systems with AI
Niklas Eckrich
The Office of the Prime Minister performs professional and administrative-technical tasks for the needs of the Prime Minister, which relate to:
organising work in the Office;
preparation of materials, written by order of the Prime Minister and, if necessary, monitoring of execution;
securing documentary material and data important for the work of the Prime Minister and the Office;
preparation of legal and financial acts of importance for the work of the Office;
administrative-technical and professional operational tasks;
Projects coordination.
Along with Madrid, Dresden, Ioannina, Trenčín, Gdansk and Espoo, Sarajevo, as a mission city too, is developing its CCC (to be evaluated first and formalised later by the Mission). These stated cities will act as innovation hubs for others to follow, and will guide, support and peer-review the rest of replication cites (Gdansk and Trenčín) to develop their own approach to CCC plans, formulated as a mid- or long-term strategy to reach climate neutrality (limit 2050 in their cases). The focus will be on mobility, in particular, on the innovative solutions. In regards all above stated, the Office of the Prime Minister will have a coordinating role it the process on behalf of Sarajevo.
Dalila Zečić
Spectra Centre of Excellence of the EU is the pedagogic, research and scientific unit of the Slovak University of Technology. It is providing research and pedagogic activities in the area of management and urban planning, closely cooperating with other university units, domestic and foreign universities and other scientific and academic institutions.
It guarantees the study programs and specific study courses and education modules that are related to its profile and it takes care of integration of STU capacities in management and planning study programs, interdisciplinary study programs that have the university character.
Slovak University of Technology is a technical partner in the project actively supporting the city of Trenčín, one of the replication cities in the project implementation. It is also ensuring dissemination of project results within the academic networks such as the Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP, or Western Balkan Network on Territorial Governance. This is done by preparation of research publications and presentation of project results in relevant academic fora.
Assoc. Prof. Vladimír Ondrejička, PhD.
Trenčín is regional capital with more then 55 000 inhabitants located on western border of Slovakia. Trenčín has a rich manufacturing history in textile and arms industries. City is currently focusing on diversifying its economic activites in the sectors of tourism, innovation, culture and industry.
Trenčín wil establish its own Urban mobility labs and implement replicable know-how from MOBILITIES FOR EU. While implementing project Trenčín will also focus on three following areas:
Development and implementation of Local School Mobility Strategy as a set of actions and measures to be developed and implemented by the city of Trenčín to promote safe, sustainable, and active modes of transport for school children. Its main goal is to ensure that children can travel to and from school in a safe and efficient manner, by addressing various challenges related to infrastructure, traffic, behavior, and education.
Update of Trenčín's "two-wheel" mobility strategy
Trenčín's "two-wheel" mobility strategy should promote the use of bicycles and other two-wheeled vehicles as a sustainable and healthy mode of transport in the city. The strategy should involve a range of measures to make cycling more accessible, safe, and convenient for residents and visitors.
Development of E-mobility readiness municipal strategy
E-mobility readiness municipal strategy is a plan to be developed by Trenčín to prepare for the adoption of electric mobility (e-mobility) technology in the transport sector. It involves a range of measures that are designed to enable the transition from conventional gasoline-powered vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs) and other forms of sustainable transport.
Vladimír Škola, M.B.A.
T-Systems, the digitalisation services subsidiary of the Deutsche Telekom Group, is present in more than 20 countries, has around 28,000 employees and achieved revenues of EUR 4 billion in 2023.
The hundreds of projects implemented over the years for public administration systems as well as for key sectors of the economy such as food and beverage, retail, automotive, and oil & gas, among others, make the company a trusted partner capable of bringing together the latest technologies and business needs.
T-Systems develop end to end projects that increases customers’ value, productivity and competitiveness, enabling an effective digitalisation and accelerating its cloud journey. In this approach, security is applied by design and following Zero Outage methodologies.
Green Energy Data Space in Mobility for the Decarbonisation of Madrid and other Cities:
Development of a digital twin of the use of green energy for MercaMadrid , and green energy data space in Mobility to optimise the use of energy by all participants (their data securely with the common objective of rationalising energy use in mobility is secured) and minimises the impact on air quality. Modular reusable building blocks and open standards based interfaces, data models in accordance with the reference architecture agreed by all the stakeholders and via Eclipse Connector to make the existing data compatible with the
recommended standards.
Jose María Martín Bernaldo de Quirós
Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) is one of the largest and most dynamic technical universities in Germany. With 17 faculties in five schools, TUD offers a diverse range of 119 degree programs and conducts cutting-edge research in various fields, including health sciences, information technology, energy and mobility. Recognised as a University of Excellence since 2012, TUD boasts a rich research spectrum and is a key player in driving innovation and academic excellence.
As a Research Technology Organization (RTO) under the Institute of Communication Technology and Chair of Communication Networks, TU Dresden plays a pivotal role in the "MOBILITIES for EU" project. Leveraging its expertise in communication networks and technology development, TU Dresden leads the implementation of three innovative technology interventions across two pivotal pilots. These interventions, including advanced 5G communication networks and bi-directional charging systems, signify TU Dresden's commitment to revolutionising urban mobility towards sustainability and climate neutrality.
Shangqing Wang
CEDINT-UPM, part of the Technical University of Madrid, is a multidisciplinary R&D center established in 2004. It focuses on energy efficiency and virtual reality, uniting experts from various engineering fields like Communications, Computer Science, Renewable Energy, and Architecture. This diverse expertise enables holistic R&D projects.
MOBILITIES FOR EU activities will be carried on by the IoT&EE group, which has a broad experience in the development of Internet of Things solutions, including wireless networks and middleware platforms for intelligent control of cities, buildings and other infrastructures.
CEDINT-UPM main role takes place in WP2, being the leader of Task 2.2 (Urban Mobility Financial plans and Business Models) and participating in Task 2.1 in the definition, integration and deployment of the different interventions in Madrid. The core of this interventions will be the integration of IoT devices with 2Zero and CCAM solutions. Besides, CEDINT-UPM will contribute to the definition of KPIs to evaluate the impact of interventions (WP3) and will collaborate with the Madrid ecosystems to set-up the Urban Mobility Lab (WP1).
Guillermo del Campo
The Volkswagen Group, with its headquarters in Wolfsburg, is one of the world’s leading automobile manufacturers and the largest carmaker in Europe. It operates globally, with 114 production facilities in 19 European countries and 10 countries in the Americas, Asia and Africa. 10 strong, independent core brands that meet every mobility need leverage synergies within the Group. They are divided into the brand groups ‘Core’, ‘Progressive’ and ‘Sport Luxury’.
With our brands, business units and financial services, we are shaping the zero-emission and autonomous future of mobility. With our Group strategy we are paving the way for the biggest change process in our history. The focus is on the main multidisciplinary areas addressed by our four technology platforms – mechatronics, software, battery & charging, and mobility solutions.
As part of the project, Volkswagen Group Innovation will develop, build and test two autonomous charging robots. The robots have a battery capacity of 55 kWh and are assembled in such a way that the charging plug can be plugged in manually and autonomously.
The charging robots can be used wherever it is structurally and economically impossible to install a permanently installed charging station. The 3D maps required for autonomous navigation are captured and processed with the permanently installed sensors. Using a data interface, the customer's request is processed, prioritised and sent to the respective robot. The vehicle then drives autonomously to the vehicle to be charged, automatically plugs in the charging plug and starts the charging process. After the charging process is completed, the robot drives to the next job or drives to the next charging point to charge itself.
Mark Gotthardt
Ferrovial is a leading global infrastructure company that solves complex problems, making a positive impact on people's lives. The company has 24,000 employees and presence in +15 countries, including the US, Canada, UK, Spain and Poland. It manages major projects such as the 407 ETR highway in Toronto, five Managed Lanes in the US and Heathrow Airport.
Its responsibility for environmental protection, good governance and the development of the regions where it operates is backed by Ferrovial's presence in sustainability indices such as DJSI.
The company's commitment to the development and growth involves the promotion of well-being and sustainable progress for a world on the move.
Ferrovial’s business lines:
Highways: promotion, investment and operation of toll roads
Airports: airport investment and operation
Construction: design and construction of infrastructures
Energy: promotion, construction, and operation of energy generation and transmission infrastructures
MOBILITIES FOR EU aims at demonstrating that innovative passenger mobility and freight transport concepts designed and implemented following participatory and user-center principles are cost-effective and feasible solutions to contribute significantly to the cities' transformation towards climate-neutrality and speed up the process to reach SCOPE 2 emissions reduction in 2030. Ferrovial will install a RES-based power grid and V2G chargers in Mercamadrid, that consists of the installation of a 700kWp PV plant to provide green energy to a 200kWh battery system and 7V2G fast bi-directional chargers to decarbonise the last mile transportation of goods. Also, it will collaborate in the upscaling and replication of solutions in other city pilots of Ioannina, Trenčín, Espoo, Gdansk & Sarajevo.
Carlos Gonzalez Sanchez
Ioannina is the capital and largest city of Epirus, an administrative region in north-western Greece, with a population of 111.737 (2021 census). It lies at an elevation of approximately 500 m above sea level, on the western shore of Lake Pamvotis and is located 450 km northwest of Athens – Capital and 290 km southwest of Thessaloniki, the two biggest cities of Greece.
Ioannina has invested heavily in strategic planning and has developed the Sustainable Urban Development Plan, the Sustainable Energy Action Plan and the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan as well as a series of other strategic documents.
Moreover, the city has participated in a series of EU co-funded projects including URBACT, INTERREG Greece-Albania, INTERREG Greece-Italy, INTERREG MED, H2020 as well as Horizon Europe (2021-2027).
Last but not least, in 2024 the city was awarded the “EU Mission Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities’ for after developing a comprehensive plan to achieve climate-neutrality by 2030.
Ioannina, as a replication city follows the Project’s Lead Cities and invests in adopting sustainable and innovative urban mobility solutions that lead the way into a greener and friendlier city for citizens and visitors.
In this framework, the city of Ioannina follows and replicates best practices developed by the cities of Madrid and Dresden, in an effort to combine best elements and practices. The overall purpose is to efficiently adapt and transfer the suggested solutions respecting the local framework and the communities.
The City of Ioannina has significant experience in participatory design and the adoption of bottom-up approaches. Therefore, it can significantly contribute and upscale procedures related to Urban Mobility Labs (UM-Labs) including stakeholder mapping and evaluation as well as efficient engagement.
Finally, following the requirements of the National Climate Law and the EU Climate framework, the city of Ioannina has committed to at a carbon footprint reduction by 30% until 2030, by adopting innovative solutions. In this direction, there will be a strong focus in reducing Scope 2 emissions related to mobility and the roadmap towards this goal can be shared through the Project’s network and the demonstration of demonstration of innovative urban mobility solutions.
We are multidisciplinary team of young people who work with commitment for the city, its space and residents.
The aim of our activities is to ensure high quality of architectural and urban solutions in Gdansk, search for innovative solutions in the field of space shaping and conduct dialogue with key stakeholders of the planned transformations.
Main tasks of the City Architect's Office:
searching for and creating innovative solutions and tools in the form of strategic and directional documents in the spatial field, including programs, policies and models of the City, based on social participation and good practices necessary in the process of urban and architectural development of the City;
conducting urban and architectural analyses for the needs of selected City investments, conducting participatory processes
issuing architectural and urban planning opinions for the needs of the municipality and giving opinions on proposed solutions, specifications of essential terms of the contract for planned urban investments and investments planned or implemented by private investors as part of a public-private partnership.
BAM acts as a liaison between industry departments: environment, transport, planning and economic development. Unfortunately, the management of infrastructure and city development is silo and detached from the real needs of residents. Our task is to build an informal group of stakeholders - social capital, in the UMLab formula, whose work, demands and recommendations will be used to improve urban mobility and climate neutrality.
The interdisciplinary team involved in the implementation of the MOBILITIES project guarantees a multi-faceted approach to the issue of urban mobility and adaptation to climate change. Egalitarian and horizontal cooperation of a wide range of stakeholders provides an opportunity to achieve synergistic effects in the rebuilt structures and functional transformation.
The selected problem area brings together all the transport and spatial problems that Gdansk is struggling with. It is located in the city center and looks and functions like a suburbia. The ambition of the Gdansk-Mobilities Team is to develop and present a plan for the transformation of the problem area, taking into account mobility, neutrality and accessibility.
Paulina Borysewicz
At the institute’s sites in Dresden, Ingolstadt and Berlin, researchers of the Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI are developing technologies and concepts for mobility, energy, as well as safety and security – from forward-looking preliminary research to practical applications in everyday use. The institute collaborates closely with the universities TU Dresden, TU Bergakademie Freiberg and Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt. Its transport-related research work ranges from the field of vehicle and propulsion systems to intelligent transport systems, and it also covers the areas of disposition, logistics and digital business processes.
For more than 20 years, Fraunhofer IVI has been developing innovations for the intelligent planning, coordination and management of mobility, shaping the digital datag transformation and assist automated driving via Car2X communication by the help of infrastructure sensor systems.
The main focus of Fraunhofer IVI in the project is development and prototype implementation of infrastructure assisted automated connected driving via control center and mobilty data space technologies. Communication issues for automation tasks and safe operation as well as efficient autonomous driving for people and freight are to be processed. The development of a control center for autonomous driving in backend as the basis for assistance by the infrastructure and a central control station for monitoring and enabling complex automated driving maneuvers via cooperation will be one of the favorite goals. The Development of a Sovereign Mobility Decentralised Data Ecosystem requires the linkage of a wide range of different data assets, like vehicle states and sensing, digital maps with different resolutions, traffic flow and incident data, weather, dynamic traffic infrastructure information, occurrence of challenging driving scenarios, etc.
Dr. Thomas Otto
Dresden, a vibrant city in Eastern Europe, hosts over half a million residents and serves as a crucial junction between Germany, Czech Republic, and Poland. Its rich history and cultural heritage blend seamlessly with a dynamic spirit of innovation. Nearly half of Dresden's workforce is engaged in scientific and technological pursuits, reflecting its tradition of engineering excellence and embrace of emerging technologies.
The city's visionary "Zukunft Dresden 2035+" plan, approved in 2023, charts a path toward becoming a Smart City, emphasizing sustainable urban development through technology. Led by the Office for Economic Development, Dresden fosters collaboration among institutions, companies, and residents to drive impactful solutions and business models.
As a part of the EU-funded European Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission, Dresden stands at the forefront of transnational projects focused on sustainability and innovation. This collaborative effort aims to accelerate the city's transformation towards climate neutrality.
Dresden, alongside Madrid, leads the MOBILITIES project, aimed at transforming into a Smart City by 2028. As a Lighthouse-City, Dresden pioneers innovative mobility solutions, particularly focusing on connected, cooperative, and automated mobility. This initiative extends to traffic and logistic development, notably within the sports park area “Ostragehege”, accessible to the public. Dresden's role in MOBILITIES FOR EU accelerates cities' transition to climate neutrality. Leading 6 pilots with cutting-edge mobility solutions, Dresden leverages electrification and connectivity. Urban Mobility Labs serve as innovation hubs, facilitating replication in Replication Cities, fostering rapid upscaling across the EU.
Uwe Richter